Friday, May 29, 2015

What kind of "shop" are you?

The Sales Shop
Sell, Sell, Sell is the mantra of this type of organization.  The sole focus is on obtaining the customer at any cost and this almost always means feature development.  The Sales Shop is often a necessity for start-ups, but mature companies often get stuck in this mindset.

The Marketing Shop
This type of organization has completely lost sight of reality.  Their entire world is marketing spin and they not only produce it hoping to aid sales, but they also consume it.  The goal is not to produce a quality product, but to look good to the marketing analysts.  Smoke and mirrors are the tools of the trade of this group and a good "rating" is more important than actually satisfying the need or solving an actual problem.

The Product Shop
Product shops are focused on creating the best possible product irregardless of whether there is a market for the product.  This type of shop works under the assumption: if we build it, they will come.  This shop often gets caught in a the vicious cycle or work and rework.  Timelines can be drawn out as the solution is constantly evaluating if what they have could be better.

The Development Shop
Development shops like technology for technologies sake.  The focus is on the technology itself and can often lead to a lack of focus because of the constantly shifting and changing technology landscape.  The development shop often chases the change in search of the latest and greatest technology.

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